
What's New in the Microsoft Office
2019 Certiport Certifications?

Did you prepare for the Microsoft Office 2016 Certification Exams but now want to take the 2019 Certification Exams? We’re here to help! Check below to see what objectives Certiport has added to and removed from each of their exams. If you’re worried about your readiness for the 2019 exams, check out our Practice Tests and Courses that will help you learn and prepare.

Word 2019 New and Removed Domains

Quick Snapshot

Removed Domains
  • 1.1.1: Create a blank document
  • 1.1.2: Create a blank document using a template
  • 1.1.3: Open a PDF in Word for editing
  • 1.1.4: Insert text from a file or external source
  • 1.3.2: Apply document themes
  • 1.3.5: Insert page numbers
  • 1.4.1: Change document views
  • 1.4.2: Customize views by using zoom settings
  • 1.4.3: Customize the Quick Access toolbar
  • 1.4.4: Split the window
  • 1.5.3: Print all or part of a document
  • 2.1.2: Cut, copy, and paste text
  • 2.1.3: Replace text by using AutoCorrect
  • 2.2.1: Apply font formatting
  • 2.2.5: Apply a text highlight color to text selections
  • 2.2.7: Change text to WordArt
  • 3.1.4: Apply table styles
  • 4.1.6: Insert figure and table captions
  • 4.1.7: Modify caption properties
  • 4.2.2: Update a table of contents
  • 4.2.3: Insert a cover page

Word 2019 New Domains:

1.3.4: Share documents electronically

Microsoft Word has several built-in choices for sharing documents electronically, found in the Share menu under the File tab. You can share a document via the cloud, email a document, present a document through a Microsoft-supported link, and post a document to a supported blog.

2.2.1: Apply text effects

In addition to text formatting, you can apply text effects to change the fill and outline of your text with gradients, transparency, and other elements. You can reach the Text Effects menu by opening the Font window and selecting Text Effects.

4.2.2: Customize table of contents

Instead of using a built-in table of contents, you can select the Custom Table of Contents option to open this window. From here, you can change the appearance of the tab leaders, the general format of the table, the number of levels to show, and the order of the levels.

4.2.3: Insert bibliographies

When you’ve added citations to your document, you can use the Bibliography tool to insert a bibliography that lists every citation in the document. If you add more citations after creating the bibliography, you can select the bibliography and then select Update Citations and Bibliography. You can find the Bibliography tool in the Citations & Bibliography group on the References tab.

5.1.3: Insert 3D models

A 3D model allows you to rotate the view of an image 360 degrees in all three dimensions. You insert it much like you would insert a 2D image, and you can use a local file or a file from an online source.

5.2.6: Format 3D models

Once you insert a 3D model, you can use the Format contextual tab to customize the view, position, and size of the image. You can use the rotation handles around the model to change the view or use a preset view found in the tab.

5.3.1: Add and modify text in text boxes

Text boxes can be used to make text stand out on a page. Since text boxes are objects, they can be shaded, filled with color, and given borders, and they can also be easily positioned within a document. Text in text boxes can be formatted separately from the rest of the document.

5.3.2: Add and modify text in shapes

Adding text to a shape is the same as adding text to a text box because Word treats text boxes as shapes. To add text, select the shape and start typing, or drag/paste existing text into the shape. You can modify the text in shapes like you would text anywhere else.

6.1.1: Add comments

Adding comments to specific parts of a document allows you to provide feedback to other editors and reviewers or to leave notes for yourself. To add a comment, select the text or object you want to attach your comment to, go to the Review tab, and select New Comment. You can then type directly in the comment box.

6.1.2: Review and reply to comments

If you want to review and reply to comments, enable Show Comments on the Review tab. You can edit any comments you made by selecting the comment and simply editing the text. To reply to someone else’s comment, you can use the Reply button on the comment box.

6.1.3: Resolve comments

Resolving a comment will leave the comment in place but gray it out so that people know the comment was dealt with. You can resolve a comment by selecting the Resolve button, and you can reopen a resolved comment by selecting Reopen.

6.1.4: Delete comments

Deleting a comment removes it entirely from the document. Delete removes the current comment selected, Delete All Comments Shown is affected by the Specific People selected in the Show Markup option, and Delete All Comments removes all comments from the document.

6.2.1: Track changes

Tracking changes lets all reviewers see what edits have been suggest by whom and when. Enabling Track Changes causes the document to log every change made, and then the author of the document can choose to accept or reject the changes.

6.2.2: Review tracked changes

When reviewing tracked changes, you can view the changes in a few ways. All Markup shows a detailed view of every change with deletions marked with a strikethrough and additions marked with an underline. Simple Markup simply shows a red line in the margin to indicate something in that line was changed. No Markup shows the final product without indicating where changes occurred, and Original shows what the document looked like before changes were made.

6.2.3: Accept and reject tracked changes

Once Track Changes has been turned on, you can choose to accept or reject each change. Accepting a change makes the change permanent and removes the tracking, and rejecting a change reverts the change back to its original state. You can accept changes one at a time, all changes shown (which depends on if you’re limiting whose changes are visible), or all changes in the document.

6.2.4: Lock and unlock change tracking

Lock Tracking is a tool that lets the author password protect the Track Changes feature so that others can’t disable it. This prevents users from temporarily disabling track changes to make a change the author won’t be able to review. The Lock Tracking tool is found in the Track Changes dropdown menu.

GMetrix Can Help

GMetrix offers practice tests that allow you to check your readiness for the Word 2019 official certification exam. If you don’t feel ready for the practice tests, we also host Word 2019 courses from trusted partners that will teach you the ins and outs of the new and previous domains.

Word 2019 Practice Tests
Word 2019 Course
Microsoft Office 2019 Full Suite
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